Determination and Teamwork

Sport is an integral part of our student's overall development and Arndell offers all available pathways and opportunities in both their Junior and Secondary schooling. We seek to provide students with opportunity to represent the College in all avenues and pathways available to them.

The focus in the Junior School is very much participation and enjoyment. Sportsmanship and fair play are key aspects of the program in these early years. The program becomes far more extensive in the Secondary School with our association with the Hillszone Sports Association (HZSA), Heads of Independent Schools (HICES) and the Association of Independent Co-Educational Schools (AICES). Consequently a more competitive focus can be expected in the secondary school years.

College House Carnivals | three carnivals are held each year - Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics.  These carnivals are a tremendous opportunity for students to participate at their own level in a non-threatening environment.  This is the first step towards representation as the College teams in these areas are selected from the school carnivals.

Representative Carnivals | HZSA (Secondary) and HICES (Primary) allow for further representation in Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics and a variety of team and individual sports. The HZSA also run a Year 5 – 11 Triathlon in Term 4 of each year.

For more information regarding afternoon sport, individual and team nominations, communication, uniform requirements and FAQ please see below the attached Junior and Secondary Sport Booklets. For information on the College Rugby Program offered to Secondary School students please see below the attached Rugby Program Booklet.

If you would like further information, please email [email protected].

Junior School Sport Program 2025
21.74 mb
Secondary School Sport Program 2025
11.59 mb
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