
Welcome to the Latest Edition of the Arndell Advocate, I’m Reverend Jeremy Clark, the Senior Chaplain here at Arndell Anglican College.

As we approach the end of Term 2, I’m excited to share some wonderful updates with you.

Chaplaincy and Biblical Studies Team

This year, we’ve welcomed new members to our Chaplaincy and Biblical Studies team.

  • Mr James Boyer has joined us as the Secondary School Chaplain. He’s been enthusiastically connecting with our Secondary School students, sharing profound truths about Jesus.
  • Mrs Sophie Kassis is our new Junior School Chaplain. She’s been bringing joy and creativity to the classroom and chapel each week. Ask your child about the wheely bin and boxes—they'll surely have stories to tell!
  • Ms Bronwyn Lihou is our Head of Biblical Studies, teaching our Secondary School students. She finds joy in those moments when students discover new insights in the text and ask thought-provoking questions.

Ms Lihou shares, “Getting to know the students and specifically when they suddenly see something new in the text or have a new concept or when they are asking really good questions, it is always a delight to see our students doing those things”.

Growing and Developing the Whole Child

Our goal is to foster the growth and development of the whole child. As we prepare to send out academic reports, we encourage you to review them with your children and identify areas for growth and development.

Beyond academics, we focus on physical development. Our sports teams have been excelling, and it’s been a pleasure to watch our Crusaders compete in rugby matches against local schools.

Our Secondary School students have worked tirelessly on the "Back to the 80s" musical. Last night’s opening was a hit, and tickets are still available for tonight and tomorrow. Don’t miss the chance to see our students shine in the Performing Arts. Get your tickets here.

Spiritually, through Biblical Studies and Chapels, we aim to nurture our students so they are well-prepared to serve the world with compassion and integrity.

Today, our Junior School students are celebrating B Kinder Day, participating in activities that teach the importance of kindness, honouring the legacy of Billie Kinder, a beloved student of our College.

End of Term and Holiday Wishes

As we near the end of term, we encourage students to make the most of the final week, coming prepared to continue their learning and growth.

We wish our students a restful holiday. May they return refreshed and ready to embrace Semester 2 with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

God Bless,

Rev. Jeremy Clark
Senior Chaplain

Arndell Advocate - Term 2 Week 8

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