College Clinic

Students must be well to attend school and in particular families must follow all NSW health COVID-19 Guidelines.

The College Clinic is staffed by Registered Nurses with paediatric experience.  It is located opposite the Administration Building, and operates between 8:00am and 4:00pm.

Please be aware that the College Clinic is only available for injuries or illnesses that have occurred during the school day.  Injuries or illnesses sustained outside of that time should be dealt with by an external health care professional.  In particular, if your child has a fever, diarrhoea or has vomited, please keep them at home for at least 24 hours for recovery and to avoid transmitting illness to other students and staff.

It is imperative that parents/carers inform the College of any student medical conditions / allergies and the appropriate treatment, so that an individual medical plan can be designed for the student's individual needs.

As part of the enrolment process, prior to starting at the College, an Additional Information Form has been submitted for each student.  In the event that a student suffers from any medical or diagnosed behavioural conditions, allergies (including anaphylaxis) or asthma, then an appropriate action plan should have been submitted with the Additional Information Form.  These forms must be updated with the College as information changes.

Written permission must also be provided if you wish any form of medication to be administered at the College or at College events.

In the event that a student becomes unwell throughout the day they are to present to the College Clinic for support. Only following assessment and review will a call be made to any parent/carer to collect their child/ren. Students should not make direct contact with parents for this reason.

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